Longarm Services
Edge to Edge or All over quilting: 2.75 cents/sq inch
There are many patterns to choose from in our digital pattern collection. We assist you in selecting a pattern just right for your quilt.
Apply binding to front of quilt by machine(straight edges only): $10
Send me your prepared binding and I will apply it to the front of your quilt, using mitered corners. Allow an extra 20" in length for your binding.
Construct binding:$10
Send your binding fabric to me and I will construct the binding. Applying binding to the front of quilt is an additional fee of $10.
Construct and machine finish your binding: $25 for baby and twin size $40 for quilts 80" x 80" or larger.
Send us your fabric and we will construct your binding and machine apply it to your quilt. Your quilt comes back FINISHED!!!!!
Sewing seams to piece backing fabric
An additional $15 will be charged to piece your backing fabric-up to 2 seams.
I do not offer hand sewing binding to back services at this time.
Above pricing includes thread. Batting and wide back fabric available for purchase.
To calculate your quilting fee, multiply the length of your quilt top x the width of your quilt top. Multiply that x .0275(edge to edge quilting)
All shipping will go thru USPS. Postage fees are determined at time of shipping.
Contact us for more information.